Sunday, June 06, 2010

Under the Tuscan Rain

Every vacation has its minor disappointments, and ours included the weather.

When I spent time cycling around Tuscany in late-April 2007 the weather was spectacular - warm sunshine the whole time.

This time, in spite of us arriving in mid-May, we didn't get the warm temperatures and sunshine we were hoping for - so much so that we never even got to hit the pool :-(

Sunrise and sunset were glorious each day, but it never warmed up beyond the low-to-mid-60s and it was usually overcast for much of the day.

Lovely ladies Daria, Jamie and Lisa wearing sweaters attest to
the uncommonly cool weather as we walk through Volterra

In fact, our first major day-trip for the entire crew was interrupted by a brief storm while we were having lunch in Volterra. Fortunately, we'd opted for lunch indoors and were able to avoid the worst of the weather, and still managed to have a great time.

The weather wasn't what we expected, but the food sure was!

Our day in Volterra and San Gimignano didn't yield the photos I'd hoped it would, but it was a great introduction to the hill towns of southern Tuscany - every bit as scenic as we'd hoped, and the weather did manage to keep the crowds dispersed.

More later...


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